Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Talk About Coming of Age..

I attended my first "friend from high school" wedding this past weekend!

Talk about feeling like a real-life adult.  Are you SURE that we aren't walking the halls, headed to PE, and passing notes in biology?  Yes?  Oh.. darn.

But if, anything is gonna make you feel like an adult.. why NOT it be a fabulous wedding? (I'll take that before an electric, loan, or insurance bill, that's FO SHO)

Sunshine & I danced the night away with my friends, and the beautiful bride & her groom, at a beautiful yacht club, eating DELICIOUS food, and drinking 1 or 2 adult beverages (going along with the adult theme). 

All in all, fabulous weekend on the island with my family & Sunshine!

It's crazy, sometimes you forget that time is moving forward, even if you don't feel you are.  It's
difficult to deal with either a set-back, or an obstacle, and still think "yeh, I'm progressing." But if you need ANY proof of the progress you've made in your own life recently.. catch up with some friends from high school ;)

While home, I got to talk about some last minute details for our fabulous fundraiser!  Our team has been hard at work spreading the word and rallying some local support for some fabulous prizes for the event!  C'mon out and join us and find out what CARMELO ANTHONY donated to A Night Out with Team DONNAtello!!

Also, if you're reading this thinking "hm, it's about gosh darn TIME you returned to the interwebz!" You would be correct, thanks to a not-so-gentle prodding from a few friends at home (won't name any names, but they rhyme with Shmelissa and Shtephen) I will be making much MORE of a conscious effort to keep up with this Coming of Age BIDNESS.  LOVE ME ANYWAY!

xx. Mayonnaise

Friday, June 14, 2013


Yup, that's a period at the end of that Cowabunga.  Why?  That's about all the energy I can exude now.

Let me tell you how much of a downer rain is.  Seriously, the biggest buzz kill I've ever met.  Even when you THINK you have energy to do something, rain comes in & is all "NAAAH YOU CAN DO IT TOMORROW GUYZ" 
After a week of that mentality, I finally buckled down this morning and got bidness done. Today's sunshine served as my motivation, thank the good lawd. 

So, why travel back in time to use the word cowabunga? Well, time is ticking away and the Team DONNAtello fundraiser is only one month away!  Fundraising is well underway, and we are making FANTABULOUS progress. BOOM!

peep THIS ^ print it, send it, share it, BE THERE.

xx. Mayonnaise.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

As The World Turns

This weekend was a big graduation weekend for lots of schools, and a bunch of my best friends! (congrats you college grads, you!)

It's an interesting feeling.. to be out of school for an entire year.  It might not sound like a long time, but it seriously feels like it (cue the grey hair emerging from my scalp).  So much can change in a year, psh, so much can change in a day.. so multiply that by 365, and that's a heck of a lot of changes. 

I spent time on Saturday saying congratulations and well wishing a bunch of friends, a few acquaintances.. but one of my friends told me it's starting to hit him that adulthood is upon him. 

There are so many milestones we feel the imminent hammer of adulthood slamming down on our heads.. 18th birthday, high school graduation, college acceptance, leaving for college, graduation from college.  Not everyone experiences those milestones though, so why is it that we don't feel adulthood until we reach them?  Some people may not "feel" adulthood until they become a parent.. for some that's at 16, for others maybe not until 46.  But what really makes an adult, an adult?

If you're waiting for me to answer.. you'll have to keep on waiting, because I don't have any cookie cutter definition for ya.  Sorry bout it.  You can ponder over there, while I ponder over here. 

If your calendar doesn't become COMPLETELY consumed with this mind-blowing question I have posed.. consider THIS

 Seriously, if you're on Long Island, in the area, or feel like taking a weekend vacation.. JOIN US.  It's going to be a great time, with great food & fabulous company (I'll be there.. what more could you want?)

So, as you could imagine.. coordinating this event & planning for the MS Challenge Walk is very time consuming.. and has resulted in my apartment becoming a sweatshop (sorry Sunshine).  I have envelopes everywhere, flyers EVERYWHERE, paper cuts, telephone calls, markers, pens, and about 200 more letters to address.

Sunshine is contributing to my sanity (just about as much as he in contributing to my INsanity)but he's an angel for putting up with me when I go into fundraising mode.  Join me in giving him an interwebz round of applause, WOULDYA?

While I work my finger to the nubs, contemplate my deep-thought-provoking-adulthood question, AND mark your calendars for the fundraiser!

peace out, yo
xx. Mayonnaise

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lessons Learned and Embraced

I haven't written in a while (yet again), but there is so much going on these days that to write a summary would just be blasphemous. 

So here are a few things I've learned recently.  Now that I think about it, maybe it's less learning and more embracing lessons already uncovered.  Anyway, maybe one day I'll elaborate on some of them, maybe I won't *you don't know*.  But maybe that's the fun of it? (love me anyway)

you can be the strongest person on the face of the planet.. but you still need a support system

clementines go bad at a lot faster than you would think (trust me, it looked like a science fair experiment was happening on my shelf)

there is no problem in living your life for others, but sometimes you need to stop for a second & take care of yourself

keeping up with your dirty laundry is, in fact, VERY important

the absolute smallest thing can change your thought process, mood, day, even life
..and could end up not being all that small anyway. 

your weakest moments are those in which you can gain the most strength.

 the chicken dance is not appropriate in all situations (even if you REALLY have that itch)

I have an UNREAL support system, and I thank them for being the scaffolding holding up the decrepit building that is myself at times.

With all of that said, I can tell you that I am trying my ABSOLUTE hardest to appreciate the moments as they happen, and not to worry about the future quite as much as I tend to do.  I'm most definitely not saying that I have stopped planning, or looking towards the future.. it's just less worrying, and more positive vibes.  So if you have any extra of those, send 'em my way.  They are always welcome, received, and sent right back atchya with a big ol' wet kiss (whether you want it or not).  

Happy Tuesday kiddos, get through your hump day as pain-free as possible. 

xx. Mayonnaise

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wild & Precious Life

There are too many reasons why I have spent multiple minutes, hours, days, recently reflecting on my one wild and precious life.  The tragedy in Boston, frustrations at work, mom's ever-changing health, new family members being born (squeal! babies!), waking up on the wrong side of the bed, not putting enough coffee in the coffee pot, crazy schedules, new stages of life, trust me I could go on, and on, and on, and on.... 
But should I be doing this?  I don't know.  Everyone's philosophy is different.  Sunshine tells me I need to relax, and worry about "just today."  But I'm pretty sure that's not in my genetic code.

I seem to be on this (roughly) 3 week rotation (Sunshine would probably say it's even more frequently) of "reevaluating" my surroundings, and my choices. 

Do I want to keep this job?  
Do I really want to go through the interview and application process again?
Should we move?
Where do we want to live?
Why don't we have a puppy?
oh that's right.. responsibility.
Am I doing enough?

Read this
Think about it.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

While that quote resonates in my brain while I figure out where I'm at in this weird 20somethinglifecrisis, (yep, it's a term) let it resonate in yours. 

xx. Mayonnaise

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Don't You Look at Me in That Tone of Voice

Relax chitlins, your voices have been heard (although I don't appreciate the nasty glares), and I have returned to you, for your reading pleasure.

Must admit, I have so much to write about and all at the same time, nothing to write about.  Weird feeling, see if you follow.

YET AGAIN, my schedule has changed (largely why you haven't heard from me in a minute, sorryboutit).  I have spent more time on the phone in the last 9 days (roughly.. no, maybe exactly) than I have just about.. ever.  Making appointments, changing appointments, meeting new clients, working on new projects, blahblahblah.  The work aspect of my little world has been.. chaotic.  BUT, as always, there are redeeming moments, and I still enjoy my work.  regularytryingtoremindmyselftotakeaDEEPbreath. eeeeehwoooooh (breathing sounds, duh).

check out Sevenly on instagram, twitter, and their website! DOitNOW

As I announced a few weeks ago, I'm returning to the MS challenge walk in the fall! YAYAYAY I'm beyond excited for this, and this is also keeping me VERY busy.  I have had a few meeting of the minds with my teammates (my sister & my best friend) and I'm so excited about the events we are planning and some of the NEW teammates that are joining us (my youngest sister, among others)! YAY

meeting of the minds MILES apart! (thanks apple)

I originally intended to do this walk, and train to run about half of it.. but that may not be the next new goal considering..

I just verbally committed to running a half marathon with my friend, Kelly! (yes, I'm joining the forces of the crazy running people who regularly have their sanity in question)
Truth being, I used to love running, and lost that love.  I am currently staring it in the face sitting across from it a diner debating whether or not we should break up-- but I figured sharing this decision with the world will hold me accountable for child support.

MORE TO COME on fundraising events and ways to get involved! Need to get my OWN butt in motion on some of these ideas before I can send out pretty e-vites and serve you food.

peace out kiddos, enjoy that SUN!

xx. Mayonnaise

ps April is Autism Awareness Month! Hope you lit it up blue! I ordered (yet another) piece of Sevenly advocate swag, and if you haven't checked them out yet.. seriously DO.IT.NOW.  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Extree Extree Read Allaboutit!

After MUCH anticipation (I know you've been sitting on the edge of your seat) I am SO very happy to announce that I will be participating in the  
MS Challenge Walk
this fall!  After taking a break from fundraising and participating in the walk with the Greater Delaware Valley chapter, my team and I have decided that a return is long over due!

AND, with the growing and overwhelming support that we have received over the years, we are even MORE excited to announce that our TEAM has grown and we will be bigger than ever!

If you don't know too much about the walk, our experience, our my family's story and involvement with the MS society, check out some of these links:

The Donnatellos facebook page
Pictures from our 2nd challenge walk!
Our Story  about being a family living with MS

sister, me, MOM (the DONNA in Donnatello), my bestfrand
Once we have more plans, details, and EVENTS (yes, EVENTS) I will let you in on it all. No. Doubt.

Also, the BIGGEST of thanks to my friends and family who participated in the wear orange MS Awareness project.  My mom got a KICK out of it, maybe even a tear or two, and is beyond grateful for all of your support (so am I!) 
We'll have even more about that at a later date.

Welp, have a very happy Monday.  Hopefully you have a few less inches to scrape off your car than I do!

xx.  Mayonnaise

pssssssstt. Interested in learning how YOU can be a part of Team Donnatello, help fundraise, and raise awareness?  hang in there kids! more information is coming your away pronto

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Announcements Upon Us!

Happy Humpday Kiddos! (not that hump.. geeze getchyer mind out the gutter)

Hope all is well in your world, and you woke up to a fabulous (although cold) first day of spring!

There are SO many things going on in this world of mine, and soon I'll let ya in on some of it!  Really exciting stuff, I promise.

In other news, here is a recap of my MS Awareness Week decked out in orange.  BOOYAH!

alright, so it wasn't ALL orange.. but it counts!

had an AWESOME conversation about the MS Challenge Walk with 3 different people!

got to channel my inner hippie advocate/activist (not too much acting necessary)

starbucks refuel and another Challenge Walk shirt!

day 5! rock OUT with the ORANGE!
It was a great week full of questions, conversations, and amazing love.
Thank YOU for making Our Story. the most viewed post I've written so far.  It speaks volumes of the kind of support that I have, my family has, and the support that we can ALL give each other. 

All that being said, I'm going to be counting on your support in the upcoming months!  BBBBUUUUHHHT I'll be explaining that later in the week! (sorry, hate when people do that to me, but I just have to) (you'll understand one day when you're older)

In the meantime, enjoy your shwendsday

xx.  Mayonnaise

Monday, March 11, 2013

Our Story.

This week is National MS Awareness Week!  Get out there, wear some orange (before we all wear..and maybe drink.. some green this weekend), educate a friend, and SPREAD THE WORD.

Again, a cause very near & dear to my heart, and therefore,
very worth writing about.  

My mom & I are beyond lucky to have the bond & the relationship that we have.  When I tell you that she is my best friend, I'm not kidding.  We talk multiple times a day, text multiple times a day, and we (maybe even freakishly) look a lot a like.

baby Mayo & mama bear

When I was in 4th grade, my mom was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
What does this mean to a 4th grader?  Not a whole lot, aside from, you know it's bad & you're really scared.. because your mom AND your dad are both in the same room, crying, telling you your life is about to change.

Quick snap shot of my mom while I was in elementary school:
PTA mom.  Jenkins Award Winner.  Girl Scout Leader.  Coach.  Religion Teacher.  Best Friend.  Home Work Helper.  Taxi Driver.  Talent Show Organizer.  Fundraiser.  Vacation Bible School Teacher.  Peanut Butter & Jelly Ministry Coordinator.  Basketball Player. 

The woman, DID. IT. ALL.

So.. what did the next few weeks, months, years have in store for my mom? For me? For my family?
This diagnosis, like just about all others, affects an entire family.

"Could I see Patty, please?" said an unfamiliar voice to my 4th grade teacher.
I stood from my chair, and followed the man that I was pretty sure I had never seen before, to an office, that I had never been in before.

"Hi Patty, my name is Mr. Ortiz.  I was sent to talk to you."
even my 4th grade mind knew.. "great, a shrink."
And that was the first time I ever really spoke to anyone about how I felt about my mom's diagnosis.

Beyond the first few weeks, life continued as "normal."  We knew that my mom had some vision problems, that were thankfully clearing up, but the meaning of Multiple Sclerosis was still very grey for me.

The next few years held multiple medications, "clinical trials," and ups & downs for my mom, and my family. 

The summer before I was in 7th grade, my family moved.  Once we got settled, my mom felt she was healthy enough to work.  She got a job at my middle school, while I was in middle school.  It was interesting, to say the least.  But, I really did love having my mom at school.  I thought she was pretty cool, and my 7th grade self was proud of her for being able to work.

Sooner than later, the healthy days were fewer & far between, and the "symptom" days became part of our day-to-day norm.  My mom left her job at the middle school.

Once I was in high school, it seemed we had things managed a bit better.  The healthy days were outnumbering the bed-ridden days, and things were looking up.  My mom went back to work; this time, at my uncle's office.

It was really great for my mom to have a job, let alone one that was fairly close, and one where the administration was very understanding of what she was living with.

My phone rang one cold, winter day.

"Pat, I need you to come get me."

My mom was on the other side of the phone.  She drove herself to work.  She had a rough few days, figured it would wear off, and got herself together to go to work.  Because that's what she did (and still does).

After that day, the days my mom drove on her own, were few & far between.  The days that she walked without some kind of assistive device (cane, walker, scooter) were few & far between.

Fast forward to my senior year of high school/freshman year of college.

My mom spent days, weeks on & off in the hospital.  I drove to school, work, practice, then the hospital.

I left for college.  My mom was STILL sick.  I had the most guilt, the most sorrow, the most depression, I have ever felt in my entire life. 

My high school days were full of activities, studying, and care-giving.  For my mom, for my sisters, for my family.  Not even necessarily because I HAD to, but because I wanted to.  I made it my responsibility to bear any burden that could lighten those of my parents.

[perspective: My mom and dad sat in the tiny tented area at my graduation, normally reserved for the elderly.  They had to leave the ceremony after we threw our caps because my mom couldn't endure the heat any longer. We also brought a scooter to my college orientation.  So if you saw some lady buzzing around on an old school hover-round, that was my mom. Yes, she was buzzing.] 

When I got to college and realized I left those responsibilities with my sisters, I was crushed.  I was stressed almost over minute of every day over what I had left at home for them to deal with.  I couldn't handle it.  I began having serious migraines, to the point I had to go to the hospital.  I saw a therapist once a week throughout the majority of my freshman year, trying to figure out how to deal with the stress and the guilt. 

after my SECOND MS challenge walk with my sister, my mom & my best friend

Eventually, it was all managed, and it seemed as though it was under control around the same time my mother's health was managed.

For the last 3 years (roughly) my mother has been on an absolute miracle drug, and the HEALTHY days have IMMENSELY outweighed the less healthy.

I am thankful for the support my mom has had.  I am thankful for the support that I have had, that my family has had.  I am thankful for the medicine, for the doctors, for the nurses.  Although not all of these people are always perfect, they are those who have gotten us to where we are today.  My friends, our friends, have been an amazing resource.  Since my mom's diagnosis not every day has been easy, but we have enjoyed some part of every day.

How does she do it?  I ask myself this all of the time.  I may never know.  I can tell you, she tries to make sure that she smiles every day.  It's not always number one on her priority list, but she somehow forces one out.

My mom is my hero.

my permanent awareness ribbon bracelet
I could add 91450923745 more details, tell 28351560 stories, and one day, I will.
If you made it to the end of this, thank you for taking the time to read it.  It is just a skeleton of our story, but it is our story.

I love you mom.

xx. Mayonnaise

National Multiple Sclerosis Society 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Vocabulary Lesson.

welp, after yet another long "vacation" from this blog.. I have returned.  I promise, I will get better at making this a regular habit again.. once the rest of my schedule follows suit.

There have been so many days that I get in the car to come home and think "writing would be great right now." Then, I actually GET home and I think "that idea was crazier than letting Animal from the muppets in a china shop".

So, here is a wrap-up of what has happened since we last spoke.

Sunshine moved in.  Sunshine started training for new job.  Sunshine's mom had a surprise birthday party.  I went to work.  My schedule changed.  I went to work.  My schedule changed.  I went to work.  My schedule changed.  We bought a couch.  We bought professional clothes.  Sunshine started teaching.  Mom came to visit.  I received my tax information (I owe money. ew.) Visited my family. I went to work.  My schedule changed.   (*INHALE*)

Nothing terribly exciting.  And as much as my schedule does change, I'm so used to it, that it's almost like it's staying the same (if that makes sense... it probably doesn't)

BUT over the last few weeks, while my schedule does more flips than Gabby Douglas, I have met some amazing people, thought some amazing thoughts, and have had some FABULOUS conversations.

So, what better day to get back at it, than Spread the Word to End the Word Day. 

Don't know about it? Peep their facebook page

This is a cause that is near & dear to my heart.
By taking this pledge to discontinue the conversational use of the R-word, we can change the world.  One person at a time. 
We can change attitudes.  
We can change perspectives. 
We can change communities. 

If you don't know about this topic, if you are underexposed and undereducated in this area.. get out there and educate yourself. 

If we can't CHANGE everyone's mind, attitude, perspective (preferably, all of the above), at the very least we are publicizing, advocating, and making OUR voice heard.  

Think about the ripple effect.  Think about the groundwork you are laying for the future.  Your future, my future, your children's' future. 

Think.  Especially before you speak. 
artwork : Alison Rowan

Today is the first day of the remainder of your life.  How do you want to live it?

xx. Mayonnaise. 

[check out this UNBELIEVABLY beautiful, though provoking post. Love That Max ]

also.. if you encounter someone who is completely not responsive to this movement, doesn't see the purpose, or is disrespectful, feel free to send them my way.  Mayonnaise has ways of expert persuasion.  (not really.. but TONS of testimony) (I'm a lover, not a fighter.. I swear)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Day for the Books and Higher Beings.

I always wind up postponing my writing, and then having SO much to write about.  So for now, I'll update you on the immediate, since it's.. immediately on my mind.  I'll catch you up with the hoopla of the weekend at some later date.  Although, it was very exciting, hold on to your panties till then!

Anyway.  My day. 

I was very anxious for this morning to start.. and for it to finish.  I anticipated a much more difficult, trying, frustrating few hours of appointments than what I encountered.  Alas, what I encountered, was absolutely fabulous.  I am more than relieved, and (surprisingly) more than thankful for the day I had today.

It is crazy how things work out sometimes

today is the tomorrow you will have always worried about yesterday.

I tweeted that 2 days ago.  I had no idea I would be living those words right now, in such a serious way. 

I was so concerned with how my first appointment would go, whether I would be anxious, whether my client would be anxious, how would she respond, how will she react, BLAHBLAHBLAH.  Only for it to end up with the most positive conversation about healthy lifestyle changes, habits, and behaviors, and it resulting in a request for more time with ME.  Shoot, did I FEEL GOOD. 

As a personal trainer, in any realm, it is MORE than gratifying to be asked for more time together (although our schedules don't always allow while balancing 4957239547 clients and trying to maintain a personal life).  I can't even begin to tell you how honored, happy, and fulfilled I felt at the end of this conversation. 

THEN.  (this is my favorite part of my day)  DURING MY SECOND appointment, I was given the absolute best compliment I could have EVER even thought up in this ridiculous head of thoughts. 

I work with individuals who have disabilities.  This field, and the individuals that I work with, are regularly over looked and under served.  We are not always welcomed by the public, we are not easily understood, but darn it.. we will do whatever we please.  We will be independent... and like it our not, we will be in public. 

"Welcome to a team of angels. You are truly doing the work of an angel."

And, as much as I appreciate that compliment, and it truly made my day; I wish that it wasn't necessary to look at what I do and consider it the work of a higher being.  Work that beings of this world wouldn't do, or subject themselves to. 

Think about it.

I'll leave you at that. 

xx. Mayonnaise

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New(ish) Roommate and Vegas Card Dealing

Who is it?  Oh none other than SUNSHINE, HIMSELF!

He was offered the job that he interviewed for last week and has orientation on Sunday!
So.. if ya see a tall, skinny red-headed kid who responds affectionately to Sunshine, congratulate him.  I'm sure he'd appreciate it. 

And yes, I'm aware that he's not actually a NEW roommate.. but seriously, try going from living with 4 other people, to 0 people.  In case I didn't already make my opinion on this situation perfectly clear, it's the pits.  And not the, eh you could use a little more deodorant, kinda pits.  It's more like the, haven't showered in 13 weeks, and won't even BOTHER with deodorant, kinda pits.  Yup.

Anyways, things are finally rolling right along.  It feels nice to have the chips start falling into place
[insert cheesy Vegas card dealer scene HERE]
But really, it's seriously such a rewarding feeling to know that we have both secured employment in fields that we are passionate about.  And it's even better that we will have these jobs in the same area.  I can hardly wait for Friday!

In other news, completely unrelated, I finally received my Sevenly clothing that I ordered what feels like light years ago.  And, **dork alert** I was even retweeted by them today!  So my phone was exploding with notifications of favorites and RTs from people I don't know and I'll probably never meet.  I felt like.. Kim Kardashian or something.. but with way more class, (slightly) less of a butt, and with positive-uplifting tweets.

I'd continue to write (type) about all of the other thoughts swirling through this brain like a toilet bowl right now.. but my eye lids are getting purdy heavy.  


xx. Mayonnaise

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Seeing Double and Sevenly Dominates (see what I did there?)

Happy weekend kids!  Hope you are all having a most wonderful, restful weekend, more than likely it's full of tons of snow for my NY amigos!

Although I am (thankfully) NOT snowed in to my apartment like my sister is and therefore, I'm very capable of leaving m apartment this evening.. I am not.  I know, I know, you've read two recent posts in which I'm staying in on a weekend night... I assure you, I'm NOT as lame as I come off.

I just turned on Despicable Me, poured my glass of red wine (very) full so I don't have to refill it, and am looking up birthday presents for Sunhine's mother.  OH, and I've been HOOKED on this iMadeFace app..for the last umm 30 minutes.

giiiiiirl I don't rememba the last time my hair was that tame
Otherwise! Pretty darn close!

Anyway, here is what has been on my mind the last few days..

This is something that I have (indirectly) always held true and have lived by.  Although, I do always say that what I "live" by is what my mom told me when I was little, "You were put on this planet to help make someone else's life just a bit easier."  I think these two statements are parallel.  They have the same underlying meaning. 

I hope that I will one day be able to be secure enough, or "make a living" by doing something that I love doing that will help other people that otherwise would not have had that help.  I recently went home to visit my parents (and get some sweet stuff for my apartment from my family) and my dad had a conversation with me about financial security. 

Do NOT get me wrong, I obviously think this is VERY important, if I didn't care at all.. "paying the bills" wouldn't be part of the title of this blog, duh. HOWEVER, while I am able to help others, I will help.  Even if it is going to take me the next few years to find myself in a situation in which I have some money saved up, I will work to get to that point while working for a non-profit organization.  I need to find my way, whatever that may be, while finding myself, and doing something I love.  Passion is so important.

I'm starting to ramble.  I think you get the point.  Be passionate.  Help others.  Live within your means, but give what you can back.  In whatever way that may be.  It doesn't have to be a $1,000 donation to a charity; it can be a half hour of your time at a soup kitchen or a women's shelter or just holding the door open for the person pushing the baby carriage and balancing 4943597 bags of groceries.  Within your means. 

xx. Mayonnaise

PS CHECK OUT THIS SUPER COOL ORGANIZATION! Sevenly  is a SICK company that raises capital and awareness for more than deserving causes by using original artwork on fabulous clothing!  For each item purchased, at least $7 is donated to the cause of the week!  Their theory? If we could help people give, we could help people care. This is an absolutely AMAZING movement, that is SO easy to get behind!  Seriously.. it's hard to NOT buy their clothes. [consider yourself warned]  WORLD CHANGE IS HOW I ROLL.
but really.. stalk them..
TWEET/ IG @sevenly
LIKE Sevenly .. on facebook

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Seriously, the amount of time I'm away from my computer is increasing.. you know, now that I have a big girl job & a life and all..alright, maybe not a life, but a job, YES.  I swear, I'm not down for the count.  NOT EVEN A JOB WILL KEEP ME FROM BLOGGING. -_-

And, thanks for asking, my new job is going GREAT.  I love it so far, and hope that I only continue to love it!

Highlights of what's been going on..

UNO. Got a neighbor that I KNOW! YAY My friend wound up moving into the same development, which has been great because I have someone besides myself to drive crazy.

DOS. Went home, my car died, naturally, came back with my sister's car, need to buy new car (not exactly coinciding with my bill paying and world saving.. but making it WORK)

TRES. Sunshine has an interview for a full time job.. IN HIS FIELD! AND ITS NEAR ME! YAYAYAYYAYAY

Other things on my mind.

I'm going through this corporate training for where I have been employed (paperwork, video, paperwork, nod off, paperwork, conversation, video aaaaaaaand repeat.)

I am so very much in love with this organization and I'm BEYOND stoked to be part of their team! However, I'm sitting in this training listening to people use the R word.. if you know me, this is NOT OK. And although they are using it as a medical term, my skin still crawls.  So me, being me, and probably perceived as a little overbearing, took the time to educate my fellow NEW HIRES on the importance of using INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. 

We are the face of this organization now.  We should ALL be advocating for the population we work with.  Whether it's a part time side-gig or your life long calling.  You need to BELIEVE in what you do. 

If you like selling paperclips, you sell your little heart out.  If you are a registered dietician, you better love your nutrient dense food.  If you work with people with disabilities, ADVOCATE. 

You need to live and breathe what you do.  At least, that's what I think.  What's the point of half-assing something?  Why not make your living by doing what you LOVE to do?  If it's your career, employment (shwhatevuh you wanna call it) it's part of your LIFESTYLE.  So what does that say about you?

Think about it, and report back.

xx. Mayonnaise

Monday, January 28, 2013

Unenchanting Snow Days and Catfish

You may ask, "why is she blogging right now? Shouldn't she be at work?"  And then I may answer, "I'd rather be at work than blogging right now, thanks for asking!"  (Who knows how long THAT thought may cross my mind.. so maybe I should just appreciate this day off)

HOWEVER, when you sit in a fairly empty apartment, for a fairly substantial amount of time, while you are (fairly) alone... you pretty much just want to start work.  I unfortunately got a phone call at 9pm last night telling me not to worry about coming in.  Thank you snow, ice, and freezing rain-- I did NOT have my first day of work today. womp.womp.

It's not as magical, and enchanting as a snow day in 3rd grade - there will be no play dates, no snow men, no igloos.  Just coffee, and crappy TV.

Anyway, as I sit here, blogging, sipping my coffee (that I haven't figured out the proper proportion of coffee grinds to water for because my coffee pot is weird).. I'm watching Anderson Cooper.  Which is weird, because I never watch him, but I can't find Ellen on my new line-up.  He, of course, is chatting it up about hot topics and all that jazz.. namely, lying over the internet. 

How do YOU know that I AM who I say that I AM? (aside from, my family knows that I'm writing this and.. I am in fact, who I say that I am)  But really, how would you know? 

I could be a 50 year old woman who is having some kind of life-crisis, thinking that she hasn't accomplished anything and needs a voice to be heard, even if it isn't hers.  Or heck, even weirder- a MAN.
The idea of this "Catfish" concept truly BLOWS my mind.  And this kind of goes back to my phone interview thing- my boss really doesn't know me.. at all.  And yet, she hired me because she believed in the "me" that she met over the phone (lucky for her, I am, in fact as fabulous as I say I am in interviews).  I could have been purple, with orange tattoos on my face.

It's pretty unfortunate that we have to second guess who we will talk to, buy our couches from, adopt puppies from, etc etc.  I can't even buy a couch on Craiglist without thinking twice about who this person may ACTUALLY be. 

**random thought--Did the creators of the intwerwebz foresee identity fraud? I doubt anyone sat around a table thinking "Yeah, in 92354907245 years this will be used to break the hearts of people AROUND THE WORLD MWAHAHAHA"

HOWEVER, there is (clearly) some reason to have faith in humanity when phone interviews are still a viable way to secure employment.  Not that this is the only way to have some kind of faith in humanity and identity, because there are obviously many other things. 

Nonetheless, it does cross my mind when I walk into a furniture store (I've been in a few this week) that I could come up with some crazy alter ego and just see how it goes.  But that's in person.. and not really traumatizing anyone (unless I actually chose a CRAZY alter ego). 

Alright.  My rant is over.  This was probably really long, drawn out, and more than likely boring.  My apologies.  I'll come back with something better. 

xx. Mayonnaise

p.s. try not to make a fake profile on some website today! I know this was inspiring & thought provoking - but try to withstand the temptations. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Thoughts I Think..

I HAVE CABLE & INTERNET! (after a lovely day of technicians and customer service reps... boo)

It's so crazy that we don't realize that cable & internet are luxuries.  We are so used to having every single thing at the tips of our fingers; the news, our friends, our e-mail, weather reports, communication, interwebz, crazy crazy crazy. Also crazy, how one thought leads to another completed unrelated thought, which can lead to another TOTALLY unrelated thought.. it's crazy, the thoughts I think.

So here is where my mind just ended up... A few years ago, when I was in college, I went to Haiti on a missions trip.  I went down there with a group college kids, some who had been there before, some who hadn't.  We helped build a well and school.  Most of what we did at the school was painting, while the Haitian work crew did the bulk of the construction.  I remember coming home thinking, "I won't take these material things for granted ever again."  Unfortunately, I think I have started to.  Let's face it, I'm sitting here, typing, the author of a blog that is all about the "hardships" of "coming of age" in the United States.

My goal has always been to help people, in any way that I can.  I thought that by starting this blog, I'd be helping others while writing in a cathartic manner.  But it's crazy that this helping other people thing has been started on a medium that SO many people in the WORLD don't have.  As far as I can tell, I have been accomplishing what I set out to do (at least on my end of this bargain) when I started to write this blog.  It's just so crazy to think how far separated I am from that unbelievable, unforgettable experience in Limonade, Haiti. 

That was all very, very deep.
Here are some nonsensical things that I've been up to this week (aside from spending 5 hours in Panera).

I've been settling into & decorating my new apartment! YAY

bought some supplies at Target, had some stuff PLUS yellowheartart ALL over my apartment!

mom had a brilliant idea to hang a curtain in the entry way to keep out the cold!

Sunshine & I finally had our first Skype date after he split on Tuesday (lame, I agree).  It was nice to see his fabulous red-headedness.

BUT. I'd be lying if I said it's been all fun & games since I moved in.  I may sound like a truly BROKEN record, but it's not easy doing this living-on-your-own stuff.  HOWEVER, I am getting to the point where I am NOT crying every time I get off the phone with my mom or Sunshine! YAY! (don't worry, I've already thrown myself a party full of frozen yogurt and red wine)

I'm going to continue enjoying my 40 year old life, while watching movies on HBO and sipping my wine.  Happy Saturday to you all!

xx. Mayonnaise

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You Can Call Me Captain Kirk.

"Captain's Log. Day 1. I went to Panera to interact with civilization and get on those interwebz.  The life forms appear to be... hungry."


Again, my apologies for an overdue update and post, because yet again, the last few days have been NUTS. 

I currently have no minimal furniture, zero internet, no cable, and no companions.  So, yes, I'm being that weird girl, sitting in Panera, alone, listening to music, alone, sippin' a cappuccino, alone and writing.. a blog.  How cliche?

Anyway, back to bidness. 
I have moved in to my new apartment!  SO EXCITING! The thought just occurred to me that I should have taken pictures to spice up this post a bit, but it would be pictures of blank walls, and empty rooms, and blahblahblah.  Once it's all decorated and beautified.. I'll let a take a peek.  If you're nice.

Sunshine & I drove both of our cars aaaall the way to my new place, caravan style like we were in Egypt on camels.. or wherever they ride camels, and unloaded about 80% of my belongings! The other 20% is still in my little sleepy town apartment, and will be picked up at a (hopefully-not-too-much) later date!

His parents came and brought a ton of furniture, which is SUPER helpful, because I own .. nothing.  We went to dinner, caught up, had a jolly good time, and then before we knew it, it was time to call it a night. 

The next morning I made pancakes and went on a fabulous Bed Bath & Beyond shopping spree (thanks to gift cards.. because let's face it, I can barely afford a tooth brush in there) and furnished my new bathroom! YAY! I CAN PEE WITH NEW STUFF SURROUNDING ME! And then, yet again, before we knew it, it was time to call it a day, and Sunshine had to leave me.

Tears. Hugs. Lots of love.  It sucked though.  BUT THEN! TA DA! My cousin Jordan & his lovely girlfriend came to the rescue and went to dinner with me so that I wouldn't be in the fetal position all day.  We had a great time catching up, and it is seriously SO nice to have family only 25 minutes away! CRAZY! I've lived at least 6 hours from any and all family members for 4 1/2 years.  It's QUITE the luxury to be so close!

Anyway, I'll wrap this up (before my allowance of 30 minutes of wifi expires) with a few pros of living alone.. because the cons are obvious, and depressing.

UNO - I've been wearing the same sweat pants since Monday evening.

DOS - I wouldn't even HAVE TO WEAR THOSE PANTS if I didn't want to! (sorry Mom, but it's true!)

TRES - ...... I'll think of another one, and report out.

"Kirk out. "

xx. Mayonnaise. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Year in Review.. 20 Days Late?

GEEZE. This week has been absolutely crazy.  Tons of fun, but still.. absolutely crazy.

In honor of my birthday and me landing a big girl job and moving to a new town and starting a piece of "adult-life" and **deep inhale** a million other things, I celebrated Friday with a ton of great friends!  Probably celebrated a bit too much, and was not about to sit in front of my lap top yesterday, so my apologies for a tardy post. LOVEMEANYWAY!

I'm going to write this without getting cheesy too cheesy (hopefully).

Today is my one year anniversary of dating Sunshine.  Adorable, puke, love, I know.  But, without anyway to avoid this cliche, I really never thought that I'd be where I am right now, in this fabulous relationship, 400ish days ago.
Sunshine & I before we were even dating!

To be completely honest, I at first had no interest in dating anyone, let alone this dude I barely knew that I played volleyball with.  I kind of just went with the flow, went on a real date (who does THAT anymore) and wound up spending the last 365 days with someone who wound up being my best friend.  

Now, what the heck does this have to do with saving the world or paying bills or anything else in my "Coming of Age" title?  Well.. just about everything.  Together, we have graduated, completed our student teaching/internships, spent a handful of months with part-time jobs to get food on our table, pay our rent, and pay the bills.  But above all that, Sunshine has always encouraged me and supported me in order for me to try to live out my dreams (even though most days I don't know what they are, he seems to).  He really understands my desire to help others, give what I can back, and try to make an impact on others.

BUT he's not the only member of my support system.  In the last 365 days I have met new people, made new friends, strengthened old friendships, and really began to surround myself with people who believe in ME.  That, I think, is one of the best parts of this whole "coming of age" bidness.  As we mature, we start to learn who the "Friday-Sunday friends" are and who the "through thick & thin" friends are.

Murphy, Jeff, myself. laughing. ..at ourselves.

These are just 2 of my favorite shots from our celebration with my forever friends (not all those who celebrated are pictured).  If I put in every picture, this would just be a camera roll, and you'd be bored, because you don't know them!  But, I'm so glad to have all of these people, and all of the people who were with me on Friday in my life to help send me on my way into this next chapter of life.

So. I grew up, a TON, in the matter of ... 2 days.  What did you do this weekend?

xx. Mayonnaise

PS! Today is the International Day of Acceptance. Check out 3eLove on facebook and their store online! Embrace. Educate. Empower.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

96 Hours of Beer on the Wall.. 96 Hours of Beer..

[[Clarification: 96 hours .. UNTIL I MOVE!]]

How crazy fast did THAT happen!? Interview Wednesday, job offered Friday, apartment searched yesterday, applied & approved in an hour! CRAZINESS! Moving on Monday!

I am so fortunate to have the very wide spread, totally kick-ass, support system that I do!  I received text messages from a bazillion people yesterday offering help, advice, and a dinner date once I move in to my new place! 

My mom (!) came with me yesterday (and when I say she came WITH me.. I mean she drove from our house 4 hrs east of my new place, while I drove from my apartment 4 hours west of my new place) just to help me sort through details, pick out apartments, and make sure I didn't get lost/wreck my car/completely embarrass myself (that last one was key).  It was a FABULOUS day, and I'm so glad I got to spend the time with my mamabear, she's pretty fabulous.  And she's probably more excited about I am than this move, because it brings me so much closer to home (let me tell ya, 150 miles in the car beats 400 miles, NO DOUBT).

So, amongst my apartment searching and catching up with my mom, I got to meet my new boss in person (yes, I did the phone interview thing).  For the first few minutes while I waited to meet her I thought, "What if I had a tattoo on my face? What if she thinks I'm a crazy person in real life? What if .." Nonetheless, we met, she was great, our conversation was great, and the day was. just. great. 

I'm so excited to be working for a cause I'm passionate about, while working with people who are just as equally passionate.  And when I say just as equally passionate, I am SERIOUS.  This girl is AWESOME. 

While I was driving myself home (and myself CRAZY over everything happening the next few days) I realized that this weekend will be FULL of celebrations! YAY for birthdays & going away parties smushed all up into one! BOOM! And then once I got home, Sunshine gave me an early birthday present (because let's face it, I got home and shed a tear or two.. I know.. puke. because it's going to royally SUCK to leave him in this sleepy little town).  BUT LOOK WHAT I GOT!

swoon. hand painted BEAUTIFUL locket from khara ledonne (peep her store!)

 my. heart. melted. duh.

So, cheers to new beginnings! If this could all happen in 7.2 days.. what the heck could happen in the next 7.2 days!? We could cure cancer, go skydiving, build a fort! TONS OF POSSIBILITIES

Adventure is out there!

xx. Mayonnaise

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guess Who Got Some Big Girl Pants!


For those of you (trying) to keep up, I GOT THAT JOB I TOLD YOU ABOUT! 

I was offered the job on Friday, and called back .3917759 seconds later to accept it and I AM BEYOND STOKED (as you can probably tell from my shouty capitals. forgive me.. and them. I'm not yelling at you, I swear.  They are excitement capitals!!)

Back to business.  I can say that I have officially gotten my big girl pants.

I'm on the hunt for a new apartment (this job calls for relocation), some new friends in the area (application post to follow), and a job for Sunshine (my boyfriend).  It's all really exciting but it is happening SO FAST! CRAZINESS!

I'm so looking forward to working for a cause.  That's one of the things I want in life, is to work with purpose.  To help other people however I can.  For as far back as I could remember my mom has always told me that I'm on this planet to make someone ELSE'S life better.  I can't wait to start doing that!

But of course, this is bittersweet.  Sunshine & I have never lived further away than 5 minutes from each other.  This is going to be an awesome step, but it's going to definitely be difficult.  I'm not looking forward to not being able to see him in the morning, cook dinner with him at night, and pin him down so I can pick his nose (gross, yes, but it's funny because he HATES it).

All of these experiences are going to most definitely be interesting, but hey, at least I can write about them!

Anyway. SO EXCITED! Hope you all had great weekends and fabulous things are happening in your lives! 

xx. Mayonnaise

Friday, January 11, 2013

Nuts & Nutshells of the week?

LOTS of things are happening this week!  Not going to bore you with a laundry list. But I AM going to hit you with some highlights in a nutshell.

...I don't know why we use that phrase. Nuts, nutshells, don't get it.

Found an AWESOME new app, that I'm trying to use just about every day.  It's called Charity Miles.  If you're a runner, download it.  If you're someone interested in charity & making a difference, download it.  If you walk to and from your car while cleaning laundry at the laundromat (snooze), DOWNLOAD THIS APP!  Charity Miles donates 25 cents/mile run or walked, and 10 cents/mile cycled.  Insane, simple, brilliant!
I love this idea of combining physical activity with giving BACK! seriously, was beyond STOKED to see that something like this exists!  Check it out, lemme know what you think.  So far I've run about 10 miles while donating to Autism Speaks, and plan to use it for every outdoor mile I run in 2013.

Also exciting, job interviews with very meaningful organizations.  I admitted during this interview (and maybe I shouldn't have, who knows) that I truthfully do not know "what I want to be when I grow up."  We'll find out if that paid off in a few days..cross your fingers for me!  What I did find out when I said that, was that it was REALLY liberating.  To hear the interviewers' reactions was fabulous, because they agreed with me!  I told them all I want is to feel like I'm working for a purpose, and I think working with this organization will be a fabulous stepping stone on this path and on my journey to make this world a better place however I can!

Before I uncover the very next on-the-edge-of-your-seat-exciting-piece-of-news.. please give yourself a hug.  Now you're probably looking at the screen like, what the heck is this chick doin?  Seriously.. hug yourself.  KAY GREAT, glad we all did that.
I received a fabulous message from a more than fabulous person who told me that she turned to writing to express her feelings.  She sent me something she wrote.  I. CRIED. *happy proud mama tears, not misery tears* IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL.  and it was all about how being different is OK!  Which I felt coincided with the start of this new blog, so duh, I had to talk a little about it.

My coming of age story is all about being myself, finding myself, and leaving my mark.  If you don't like the way I do things, or what I do, or what I believe in; you are entitled to your own opinion.  But growing up is all about (at least this is the basic gist of what I've gathered) exploring, and figure out who you are.  YOU ARE DIFFERENT. Get over it! I am! The best we can do is share & educate!

that's it & that's all! : D

xx. Mayonnaise

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My life as a Disney princess..

I got to channel my inner Disney princess to day at work..and unfortunately it wasn't AT Disney World dressed up like beautiful Snow White or Pocahontas.. and no, I didn't run away with my Prince Charming on a white horse into the sunset & live happily ever after. 

... but it was instead channeling my inner CINDERELLA.. scrubbing all day long.  

As much as I really wouldn't want to trade spots with our friend Cinderella, all the scrubbing really gave me a lot of time to think.. As I just typed that sentence I thought, "I never understood what people really meant when they said 'oh it gave me time to think'" Don't you think all of the time?  Isn't everything you do based from at least ONE little thought?  Even if it's.. oh I need to poop now. (sorry, but HONESTLY, isn't it all thoughts?)

Anyway, it gave me some serious time to think.  I was completely in my own world, with birds chirpin' around me, and mice scurrying to fetch me things (I seriously wish), while I used a magic eraser to remove scuffs, and thought.  

So.  Here is what I was thinking about. Right before I left for work this morning I saw a quote, posted on a social media interwebz site, by an organization I tend to agree with. 

If you cannot do something great, do small things in great ways. 

   At first, I thought, hey! that's pretty cool!  Then, as I thought while I was at work, it started to really grind my gears

  So, I did what any other perfectly normal (I tend to use that loosely) person would do, and I looked up the definition of the word great.

Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.
A great or distinguished person.
Excellently; very well.
grand - big - large - high

So here is my question.  How do YOU judge what is GREAT?  Who is it that says that whatever thing they did, or whatever thing they saw done.. was in fact, NOT great?  By definition, great is anything outside of average or the normal.  If you open the door for someone, if you say hello, if you offer a stranger the change they need.. those tend to be outside the normal or average range, don't they?  I'm pretty sure if my future child came home with a picture of me and I had 6 eyes, green hair, and purple skin, it would STILL BE GREAT (largely because, I'm going to create GREAT children).  BUT THAT'S MY POINT! What MAKES something GREAT?

In my mind, great is relative.

Don't let anything stand in your way.  Of doing anything you think you can, or you think you may want to do.  That may sound fairly bold for a young 20something to say.  But in my few years of life, I've done things that people FLAT OUT told me that I couldn't do.  So go out there, just go and do it.  Just BE great.  Maybe it's a lot to strive for, but that's all I'm trying to be. 

Let me know what you do, and what you find.  

   xx. Mayonnaise