Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Day for the Books and Higher Beings.

I always wind up postponing my writing, and then having SO much to write about.  So for now, I'll update you on the immediate, since it's.. immediately on my mind.  I'll catch you up with the hoopla of the weekend at some later date.  Although, it was very exciting, hold on to your panties till then!

Anyway.  My day. 

I was very anxious for this morning to start.. and for it to finish.  I anticipated a much more difficult, trying, frustrating few hours of appointments than what I encountered.  Alas, what I encountered, was absolutely fabulous.  I am more than relieved, and (surprisingly) more than thankful for the day I had today.

It is crazy how things work out sometimes

today is the tomorrow you will have always worried about yesterday.

I tweeted that 2 days ago.  I had no idea I would be living those words right now, in such a serious way. 

I was so concerned with how my first appointment would go, whether I would be anxious, whether my client would be anxious, how would she respond, how will she react, BLAHBLAHBLAH.  Only for it to end up with the most positive conversation about healthy lifestyle changes, habits, and behaviors, and it resulting in a request for more time with ME.  Shoot, did I FEEL GOOD. 

As a personal trainer, in any realm, it is MORE than gratifying to be asked for more time together (although our schedules don't always allow while balancing 4957239547 clients and trying to maintain a personal life).  I can't even begin to tell you how honored, happy, and fulfilled I felt at the end of this conversation. 

THEN.  (this is my favorite part of my day)  DURING MY SECOND appointment, I was given the absolute best compliment I could have EVER even thought up in this ridiculous head of thoughts. 

I work with individuals who have disabilities.  This field, and the individuals that I work with, are regularly over looked and under served.  We are not always welcomed by the public, we are not easily understood, but darn it.. we will do whatever we please.  We will be independent... and like it our not, we will be in public. 

"Welcome to a team of angels. You are truly doing the work of an angel."

And, as much as I appreciate that compliment, and it truly made my day; I wish that it wasn't necessary to look at what I do and consider it the work of a higher being.  Work that beings of this world wouldn't do, or subject themselves to. 

Think about it.

I'll leave you at that. 

xx. Mayonnaise

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New(ish) Roommate and Vegas Card Dealing

Who is it?  Oh none other than SUNSHINE, HIMSELF!

He was offered the job that he interviewed for last week and has orientation on Sunday!
So.. if ya see a tall, skinny red-headed kid who responds affectionately to Sunshine, congratulate him.  I'm sure he'd appreciate it. 

And yes, I'm aware that he's not actually a NEW roommate.. but seriously, try going from living with 4 other people, to 0 people.  In case I didn't already make my opinion on this situation perfectly clear, it's the pits.  And not the, eh you could use a little more deodorant, kinda pits.  It's more like the, haven't showered in 13 weeks, and won't even BOTHER with deodorant, kinda pits.  Yup.

Anyways, things are finally rolling right along.  It feels nice to have the chips start falling into place
[insert cheesy Vegas card dealer scene HERE]
But really, it's seriously such a rewarding feeling to know that we have both secured employment in fields that we are passionate about.  And it's even better that we will have these jobs in the same area.  I can hardly wait for Friday!

In other news, completely unrelated, I finally received my Sevenly clothing that I ordered what feels like light years ago.  And, **dork alert** I was even retweeted by them today!  So my phone was exploding with notifications of favorites and RTs from people I don't know and I'll probably never meet.  I felt like.. Kim Kardashian or something.. but with way more class, (slightly) less of a butt, and with positive-uplifting tweets.

I'd continue to write (type) about all of the other thoughts swirling through this brain like a toilet bowl right now.. but my eye lids are getting purdy heavy.  


xx. Mayonnaise

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Seeing Double and Sevenly Dominates (see what I did there?)

Happy weekend kids!  Hope you are all having a most wonderful, restful weekend, more than likely it's full of tons of snow for my NY amigos!

Although I am (thankfully) NOT snowed in to my apartment like my sister is and therefore, I'm very capable of leaving m apartment this evening.. I am not.  I know, I know, you've read two recent posts in which I'm staying in on a weekend night... I assure you, I'm NOT as lame as I come off.

I just turned on Despicable Me, poured my glass of red wine (very) full so I don't have to refill it, and am looking up birthday presents for Sunhine's mother.  OH, and I've been HOOKED on this iMadeFace app..for the last umm 30 minutes.

giiiiiirl I don't rememba the last time my hair was that tame
Otherwise! Pretty darn close!

Anyway, here is what has been on my mind the last few days..

This is something that I have (indirectly) always held true and have lived by.  Although, I do always say that what I "live" by is what my mom told me when I was little, "You were put on this planet to help make someone else's life just a bit easier."  I think these two statements are parallel.  They have the same underlying meaning. 

I hope that I will one day be able to be secure enough, or "make a living" by doing something that I love doing that will help other people that otherwise would not have had that help.  I recently went home to visit my parents (and get some sweet stuff for my apartment from my family) and my dad had a conversation with me about financial security. 

Do NOT get me wrong, I obviously think this is VERY important, if I didn't care at all.. "paying the bills" wouldn't be part of the title of this blog, duh. HOWEVER, while I am able to help others, I will help.  Even if it is going to take me the next few years to find myself in a situation in which I have some money saved up, I will work to get to that point while working for a non-profit organization.  I need to find my way, whatever that may be, while finding myself, and doing something I love.  Passion is so important.

I'm starting to ramble.  I think you get the point.  Be passionate.  Help others.  Live within your means, but give what you can back.  In whatever way that may be.  It doesn't have to be a $1,000 donation to a charity; it can be a half hour of your time at a soup kitchen or a women's shelter or just holding the door open for the person pushing the baby carriage and balancing 4943597 bags of groceries.  Within your means. 

xx. Mayonnaise

PS CHECK OUT THIS SUPER COOL ORGANIZATION! Sevenly  is a SICK company that raises capital and awareness for more than deserving causes by using original artwork on fabulous clothing!  For each item purchased, at least $7 is donated to the cause of the week!  Their theory? If we could help people give, we could help people care. This is an absolutely AMAZING movement, that is SO easy to get behind!  Seriously.. it's hard to NOT buy their clothes. [consider yourself warned]  WORLD CHANGE IS HOW I ROLL.
but really.. stalk them..
TWEET/ IG @sevenly
LIKE Sevenly .. on facebook

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Seriously, the amount of time I'm away from my computer is increasing.. you know, now that I have a big girl job & a life and all..alright, maybe not a life, but a job, YES.  I swear, I'm not down for the count.  NOT EVEN A JOB WILL KEEP ME FROM BLOGGING. -_-

And, thanks for asking, my new job is going GREAT.  I love it so far, and hope that I only continue to love it!

Highlights of what's been going on..

UNO. Got a neighbor that I KNOW! YAY My friend wound up moving into the same development, which has been great because I have someone besides myself to drive crazy.

DOS. Went home, my car died, naturally, came back with my sister's car, need to buy new car (not exactly coinciding with my bill paying and world saving.. but making it WORK)

TRES. Sunshine has an interview for a full time job.. IN HIS FIELD! AND ITS NEAR ME! YAYAYAYYAYAY

Other things on my mind.

I'm going through this corporate training for where I have been employed (paperwork, video, paperwork, nod off, paperwork, conversation, video aaaaaaaand repeat.)

I am so very much in love with this organization and I'm BEYOND stoked to be part of their team! However, I'm sitting in this training listening to people use the R word.. if you know me, this is NOT OK. And although they are using it as a medical term, my skin still crawls.  So me, being me, and probably perceived as a little overbearing, took the time to educate my fellow NEW HIRES on the importance of using INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. 

We are the face of this organization now.  We should ALL be advocating for the population we work with.  Whether it's a part time side-gig or your life long calling.  You need to BELIEVE in what you do. 

If you like selling paperclips, you sell your little heart out.  If you are a registered dietician, you better love your nutrient dense food.  If you work with people with disabilities, ADVOCATE. 

You need to live and breathe what you do.  At least, that's what I think.  What's the point of half-assing something?  Why not make your living by doing what you LOVE to do?  If it's your career, employment (shwhatevuh you wanna call it) it's part of your LIFESTYLE.  So what does that say about you?

Think about it, and report back.

xx. Mayonnaise