Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wild & Precious Life

There are too many reasons why I have spent multiple minutes, hours, days, recently reflecting on my one wild and precious life.  The tragedy in Boston, frustrations at work, mom's ever-changing health, new family members being born (squeal! babies!), waking up on the wrong side of the bed, not putting enough coffee in the coffee pot, crazy schedules, new stages of life, trust me I could go on, and on, and on, and on.... 
But should I be doing this?  I don't know.  Everyone's philosophy is different.  Sunshine tells me I need to relax, and worry about "just today."  But I'm pretty sure that's not in my genetic code.

I seem to be on this (roughly) 3 week rotation (Sunshine would probably say it's even more frequently) of "reevaluating" my surroundings, and my choices. 

Do I want to keep this job?  
Do I really want to go through the interview and application process again?
Should we move?
Where do we want to live?
Why don't we have a puppy?
oh that's right.. responsibility.
Am I doing enough?

Read this
Think about it.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

While that quote resonates in my brain while I figure out where I'm at in this weird 20somethinglifecrisis, (yep, it's a term) let it resonate in yours. 

xx. Mayonnaise


  1. Ok, I like this...the asking, the exploring, the reevaluating. NO, not in your genetics to be complacent or satiated, Ms. Mayo. So, while you try to manage the thoughts, feelings, goals, desires...maybe go a step deeper and ask yourself, "What legacy do I want to create?" It will not give you answers, but will help give some direction. Just be prepared...you will be much closer to having the PLAN, but maybe still refining it when you are in your late30somethinglifecrisis.
    Keeping loving and making a difference.
    A. Ali

    1. I think about our "legacy" conversation regularly :)
      Thanks for you always wise words, and support.
      You da best.;)
